Grab Your Copy Of Borrowify Now!
Access Borrowify For $197 Just $19 One Time

Grab Your Copy Of Borrowify Now!
Access Borrowify For $197 Just $19 One Time

Grab Your Copy Of Borrowify Now!
Access Borrowify For $197 Just $19 One Time

Grab Your Copy Of Borrowify Now!
Access Borrowify For $197 Just $19 One Time

Grab Your Copy Of Borrowify Now!
Access Borrowify For $197 Just $19 One Time

1-Click App Lets You Ethically Hijack Sites Like NYTimes, DailyMail & FoxNews To Collect Leads, Payments, And FREE Traffic!

Hijack Authority From Any Site - No Extra Fees - Commercial License Included

Completely legal and ethical to do

Fully edit any site of your choice. Add images, change text, custom HTML.

Auto-post to top social platforms in 1 click for FREE traffic

Add optin forms to any site of your liking to quickly collect leads

Add call to actions to increase clickthrough rates

Put custom videos on virtually any site you want to boost conversions

Collect payments directly from any site of your choice

No hidden fees or extra tools needed whatsoever

Free commercial license included
Grab Your Copy Of Borrowify Now!
Access Borrowify For $197 Just $19 One Time


Start “Hijacking” Any Site With

Enter the URL/link of the site you want to edit. This can be anything you want, even the biggest sites on the internet.

You’ll get a link to the cloned version of the site.

You’ll be able to fully edit the site to your liking. Add optin forms, images, change text, collect payments, and so much more!

Use Borrowify’s 1-Click Content Syndication to post the edited website to the biggest social platforms all at once...

Just 4 Simple Steps
From The Desk Of: Rick
Subject: How to ethically hijack the authority of sites like NYTimes, DailyMail, Fox News, ABC, to build trust

Rick Nguyen
Dear Friend, How are things working out for you in 2021?
Are you a part of the 1% that’s actually making money, or still a part of the 99% struggling?
Unfortunately, it’s more likely to be struggling.
BUT… If you stick with me for the next 2 minutes, you’ll see how to turn things around...
And in a massive, RADICAL way…
By being able to put ANY link, offer, or service on the front page of well-known sites like NYTimes, DailyMail & FoxNews, etc…
To turn uninterested visitors into motivated buyers…
Getting Them To Say
‘Shut Up And Take My Money’!
Yes, that’s a famous internet meme, but what if hundreds, or even thousands of people came to you like that?
Just picture what that would do for your business…
Now you might be thinking, “But that’s impossible!”
And the truth is… it’s NOT!
See, there’s one reason why you can’t make money online…

Needless To Say,
That’s A HUGE Problem!

And it’s a headache to fix.
Likely, one or more of this issues are plaguing your online business:
- Maybe you don’t know how to build trust...
- Perhaps you’re camera shy and don’t like showing your face
- You don’t think you’re charming or charismatic enough
And don’t get me wrong, those traits mentioned above are great to have.
But most people aren’t like that…
Not everyone on this planet has a godlike level of charisma.
So What If You Aren’t Charming?
If People Knew, Liked, And Trusted You,
Earning Online Wouldn’t Be An Issue!
Solve that problem, and the rest of the dominoes fall.
Just imagine, what it would be like for people to be EAGER to purchase from you…
Yes, that’s right…
Instead of failing to gain the trust of people, you have people coming to YOU…
Desperate for your help...
If you could achieve that, how would that change your business?
Picture how much more income you could be making monthly…

The Good News Is, You Can!

And you don’t need to:
- Have any charm whatsoever
- Put your face on camera
- Show your identity
Because we’ve figured out a little secret that changes EVERYTHING...
Whether you’re a social butterfly, or super-introverted, it doesn’t matter…
This ethical hack doesn’t require any of that.
Now, you might be scratching your head, wondering…
How is this even possible??

The Secret? Using The Existing
Authority Of Well-Known & Trusted Brands…
Instead of building trust with prospects ourselves… ...we leverage EXISTING trust that people have in massive brands. I’m talking about world renowned brands/companies such as:

And After Months Of Hard Work,
It’s Now A Reality...
Easily Edit Cloned Sites
To Your Liking With Borrowify
You are in the drivers with Borrowify. Which means, there’s no limit to what you can add on to the site you’re editing… Take a look below at all the different elements you can add
Change Colour
You can edit the color of elements on the site to fit the coloring of your current branding.

Edit Text With Ease
You can fully edit text to your heart's desire. Whether it’s editing or deleting, you can do it all with the Borrowify editor.
Add Custom Images
This is handy when it comes to adding your product/offer images on the page of big brand sites.

Optin Forms
Collect new leads to grow your email list by adding an optin form to your cloned site.
Collect Payments
You can even start receiving payments on the site you are borrowing.

Sticky Floating Video
Capture people’s attention using a sticky floating video on a page scroll . You can offer a discount, or use them to sell your products/services or promote affiliate offers.
Call To Actions
Increase your sales and conversion rates by adding a strong call to action to your page

Custom HTML
You can add on custom HTML elements, which means the sky's the limit here!
- Completely legal and ethical to do
- Auto-post to top social platforms in 1 click for FREE traffic
- Fully edit any site of your choice. Add images, change text, custom HTML.
- Add optin forms to any site of your liking to quickly collect leads
- Add call to actions to increase clickthrough rates
- Put custom videos on virtually any site you want to boost conversions
- Collect payments directly from any site of your choice
- No hidden fees or extra tools needed whatsoever
- Free commercial license included

Finally Take FULL
Control Of Your Online Business!

This is your chance to finally start winning…
With the ability to leverage the authority of already trusted media companies like DailyMail, NYTimes, Fox News, Wired, and more…
There’s no reason for you to NOT succeed!
Whether you’re a newbie or experienced marketer…
You will LOVE Borrowify.
There’s Nothing Else
Out There Like Borrowify
You won’t find ANYTHING that lets you do what Borrowify does.
With Borrowify, you’ll be able to put ANY offer/link/product on the front page of any website of your choice…
Just picture for a second how much more income you could make with the added authority of a big brand site...
Does it really get any better than that? Well, you can decide that.
Pick up a copy... and you can be the judge :)
I guarantee you’ll be impressed with what we’ve put together.

Free Commercial License Included! Use Borrowify To Help Local
Business Owners & Charge Them For It
Borrowify Lets You EASILY Stand Out
Like A Beacon From Your Competition

With the ability to put your links/products/offers on the front page of ANY large site, this is your opportunity to get an edge…
As a 6 figure marketer, I can tell you one thing…
It’s all about everything in your power to stay one step (or more) ahead of your competition.
And there’s no better way to do that than Borrowify.
Borrowify lets you instantly capture the trust of your audience by leveraging the already existing authority of big news publications.
You’re Getting EVERYTHING You Need To Start
Seeing Kickass Results In 2021 And Beyond…

- Borrowify Built In Traffic
Inside of Borrowify you’ll get access to a 1-click syndication tool that blasts your link to the hottest traffic sources out there.
- Borrowify Training
We’ll show you all the powerful features that Borrowify has to offer, and how to use them properly in this string of in-depth training videos.
- Borrowify Commercial License
This gives you permission to use Borrowify for commercial purposes - such as using it to help business owners in your area.
For A Limited Time,
Get Borrowify At An Earlybird Price

We’ve been working on Borrowify for several months now, cranking out countless all-nighters and spending thousands of dollars.
And with the amount of value at stake here, we could easily charge $97 a month for this service… Or over $1,000 yearly.
But for the early bird users of Borrowify, we’re going to do something you will LOVE.
You won’t pay $197 monthly…Not $97 monthly… Not $47 monthly…Not $27 monthly Heck, you won’t even pay monthly!
Just a one time price the same as a cheap t-shirt…
To claim your discount, click on any of the buttons on this page
Ethical & Legal To Do This?
YES! And let me explain…
See, you won’t be able to directly edit a website like NYTimes
That would be illegal and Borrowify doesn’t let you do that.
Instead, Borrowify lets you clone the website, and edit it on a separate domain.
So instead, your link could be “” and the NYTimes website would show up on that link.
This allows you to technically hijack the site without any consequences.

On Top Of All That, You’re Also Getting
$4782 Worth Of FREE Bonuses!

BorrowifyMailer - Free Autoresponder
(WORTH $397)
Want To Sell Borrowify Service and Websites To Your Clients Or Anything’s Else You Want? Want Another Proven Traffic Source Used By 99% Gurus?
Want To STOP Wasting Of 100s Of Dollars On Monthly Autoresponder Fees?
This Is Definitely What You Need.
We’re giving away this FREE Autoresponder Cloud App With In-Built SMTP For Borrowify’s customers.
Unlimited Emails, Unlimited Subscribers, Free For Borrowify’s customers, In-Built SMTP

BorrowifyHosting - Lifetime Hosting
(WORTH $997)
With this, you have fully customizable lifetime hosting for your business. It has a Controllable dashboard for you to easily install/remove/edit your sites.
You get BorrowifyHosting for free today, You won’t have to pay monthly for expensive recurring shared hosting any more.

BorrowifyDrive - Lifetime Cloud Drive To Host/Backup/Store Your Files and Videos (WORTH $997)
No need to pay monthly fees for Google Drive and DropBox because you get a free cloud drive web-based app today.
You can host/backup/store unlimited files using this ground-breaking BorrowifyDrive App.
There’s Absolutely ZERO Risk With Our
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Here’s the deal…
To make this a TOTAL no brainer, I am going to place all the risk on my end. If you pick up Borrowify and don’t feel like it’s worth at least 5x it’s price tag, just let us know within 30 days of your purchase…
...and we’ll happily refund you every penny.
This is like nothing you’ve ever seen before… And that’s why we’re super confident in making this crazy guarantee.
There’s no way for you to lose here…
If you don’t like Borrowify, you get all your money back and your life goes back to normal.
It’s Now Or Never!
I’m going to be upfront with you… This discount is a strictly limited time offer. If you come back later, it might not be around. And if you don’t see it, it’s already too late. You’ve missed out for good and there’s unfortunately nothing we can do about it.
Don’t want to miss out? All you have to do is click the button below right now to secure your discount.. You have no way to lose with our money back guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions
(Still Here? This Might Address The Question You’re Currently Asking Yourself)
Q: Is This Legal To Do?
Absolutely. We are not hacking into a site like NYTimes, we are CLONING it. In other words, borrowing it, hence the name Borrowify.
Because it’s cloned on a different domain and hosting, you can add your products, and edit the site to your heart’s desire.
Q: Does this work in any niche?
Yes. Any niche imaginable. Just copy-paste any site into the software and you’re good to go.
Q:What sites does it work on?
It works on almost all sites (99%) of your choice! Literally anything you could think of. Everything from NYTimes, Wired, NBC, to FoxNews. Heck, you could even clone almost all sites if you wanted to.
Q: What makes it stand out of the crowd?
Not only Borrowify helps you clone any site you want but it also allows you to literally edit that site in any form you like: change content, add optin form, add call to action, add images, add video, add pay button,etc.
Q: Are there any extra fees?
None! We hate that bullcrap as much as you do. When you pick up Borrowify on this page, you get everything you need to leverage the authority of big brands like NyTimes, Fox News, Wired, ABC, and much more.
Q: Does It Have Updates?
Yes, it has. You will always get free updates.
Q: If I Want A Refund, How Do I Get It?
All you have to do is contact us at:
Support Desk URL -:
Support Email -:
I’ll See You Inside,

Rick Nguyen
Borrowify 2021 – Copyright © All Rights Reserverd
Earning Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it’s potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
***NOTICE*** This site is in no way endorsed by, related to, or in any other way affiliated with JVZoo or Facebook or any Network.
Terms and Conditions || Privacy Policy || Cookies Policy || Earning Disclaimer
Or what if you’re afraid to put yourself out there, and show your face on camera?
Don’t feel embarrassed if that’s the case, it’s completely NORMAL.
And that brings us to the question…
How do you get people to know, like & trust you?
...without being as charismatic as a Hollywood celebrity?
But here’s the thing...
The Fastest Way To Build Trust & Rapport With Your Audience!

Schedule when you want your articles to be posted at. This is perfect for time management purposes.

Turn any YouTube video into a fully functional article/blog post at the press of a button.

Find the best videos in any niche that are already proven to go viral with our advanced filter settings.

Easily monetize the traffic coming in by adding in Adsense, banner ads or your affiliate links.

The articles created by Contentify are SEO optimized to quickly reach the top of Google.

Contentify publishes the content on a user friendly, easy to use site that gives the visitor comfort.

Find videos with creative commons to avoid any potential copyright strikes with YouTube.

Automatically source the video provided at the bottom of the page when used a copyrighted video.

Customize the articles to your liking, edit text, change colors, add images, the sky’s the limit.

Built in text spinner lets you create multiple versions of the article for even more free traffic.

Text spinner integration is compatible with Contentify to make sure you have unique content every time

Access millions of royalty free videos and images to quickly enhance the quality of your content.

Boost traffic & rankings with the help of our social media sharing system

Series of in-depth training videos shows all the ins and outs of the software.
- Completely legal and ethical to do
- Fully edit any site of your choice. Add images, change text, custom HTML.
- Auto-post to top social platforms in 1 click for FREE traffic
- Add optin forms to any site of your liking to quickly collect leads
- Add call to actions to increase clickthrough rates
- Put custom videos on virtually any site you want to boost conversions
- Collect payments directly from any site of your choice
- No hidden fees or extra tools needed whatsoever
- Free commercial license included
- 30 days money back guarantee

Have the ability to automatically post to Social Media the content you just published with Contentify.

If you need any help, our support team is ready to assist you with any issue you may be facing.

Your Audience Doesn’t
Have Trust, Or A Relationship With You…
Although that’s harsh, I’m just telling you the hard truth.
If you’re still not able to make money online, it likely boils down to one issue…
Because let’s be real here…
Like the famous saying goes, people only buy from those who they know, like and trust.
Solve that, and everything else takes care of itself.

These brands have been around for decades…
People know them well, and trust many of them for accurate information.
They have what you call AUTHORITY.
Now, What If It Were Possible
To Put ANY Link On The Front Page Of The Biggest Sites?
Just imagine, if you had your offer featured on the front
page of Forbes…
- Or how about DailyMail?
- How about The New York Times?
- How about BuzzFeed?
- How about Fox News?
- What do you think you’d be able to start making?
How much more commissions and leads could you

By putting your product/offer on
well-known sites, you gain their existing authority & trust!
The product would be the same, but the desire would be far stronger… ...simply because it’s on a big site.
It’s kind of like when people say “I saw it on the news!” That’s the power of authority…
My team of coding geeks have accomplished what was once called impossible…
We’ve figured out how to ethically & legally “hijack” the largest sites in the world..
I’m talking about being able to put your link/offer/product/service on the front page of any site of your choice... All with COMPLETE push button ease! Just how easy? Well, here’s one way to put it - if you can dial a phone number to order pizza…
You can put your link/product/offer on any website of your choice. It’s all thanks to this brand new, breakthrough app...


Borrowify is ground-breaking software which allows you to clone any large site and put your links/products/offers on it. This is your opportunity to get an edge...
Not only Borrowify helps you clone any site you want but it also allows you to literally edit that site in any form you like: change content, add optin form, add call to action, add images, add video, add pay button, etc..
What Makes Borrowify
Stand Out From The Crowd?
You like a website or a landing page but you don’t know how to make a similar website/landing page like that.
Sometimes You want to borrow someone’s website to use for your online business as well.
HOWEVER, We Need To Accept The Truth Creating A Website Is a Daunting Task Because:
- You don’t have any clue about creating a website, not even the web design skill mentioned.
- You are so up to the ears with other tasks that you cannot complete a high quality and detailed website.
- You hesitate to burn your hard-earned money on hiring expensive freelancers.
This Is The Reason Why Borrowify Comes Into Play Right In Time & In Demand.

At The Click of a Button, You Can
- Clone any large site and put your links/products/offers on it
- Literally edit that site in any form you like: change content, add optin form, add call to action, add images, add video, add pay button,add popup,etc
- You can edit the color of elements on the site to fit the coloring of your current branding.
- You can fully edit text to your heart's desire. Whether it’s editing or deleting, you can do it all with the Borrowify editor.
- Add Custom Images: This is handy when it comes to adding your product/offer images on the page of big brand sites.
- Collect new leads to grow your email list by adding an optin form to your cloned site.
- Collect Payments: You can even start receiving payments on the site you are borrowing.
- Capture people’s attention using a sticky floating video on a page scroll . You can offer a discount, or use them to sell your products/services or promote affiliate offers.
- Increase your sales and conversion rates by adding a strong call to action to your page
- You can add on custom HTML elements, which means the sky's the limit here!
- You can post your link to the hottest traffic sources with the 1-click automated syndication technology

Thanks to Borrowify’s Innovative Features,
Users No Longer Have To Experience
- Manually building a site from scratch
- Glue Eyes On Screen Hours and Hours To Learn Web Design Skills
- Spending hundreds on hiring professionals and freelancers
Watch The Demo Video
See Borrowify In Action

Conor Runte
Conor Runte Says: “It never gets easier than this”
It never gets easier than this I think. Just copy-paste any site into the software and then I have a cloned website in seconds. I can easily put any product or link on my website to sell. So excited to discover other features on Borrowify!

Elloy Brekke Says: “How Easy The Software Is”
How easy the software is! I don’t need to do much manual work. Just a few simple steps, Borrowify does the hard work for me. Boom, I have a high-quality website to sell my products without designing or doing anything.

Nikko Murray Says: “It's a game changer”
Nikko Murray
I could say it's a game-changer for sure. Finally I found a tool that allows me to clone any large site to build my trust super fast and promote other products easily.
Elloy Brekke

Enter the URL/link of the site you want to edit. This can be anything you want, even the biggest sites on the internet.

You’ll get a link to the cloned version of the site.

You’ll be able to fully edit the site to your liking. Add optin forms, images, change text, collect payments, and so much more!

Use Borrowify’s 1-Click Content Syndication to post the edited website to the biggest social platforms all at once...

All It Takes Is 4 Steps
Take A Look At All The Reasons
Why You’ll Love Borrowify…
Built In Free Traffic
You can post your link to the hottest traffic sources with the 1-click automated syndication technology…

No Extra Fees
There’s no additional tools or fees to pay for. With Borrowify, you get everything you need to
One Time Price
For the early bird users of Borrowify, we will be offering a one time discount that guarantees you entry forever. After that, the price will go recurring.

Easy As Cake To Use
Everything is point and click simple…
Editing and cloning the sites is just as easy as boiling water.
100% Legal & Ethical
You won’t be hacking into anything. This app lets you simply borrow a website and we’ll host it for you on another link. Hence the name, Borrowify.

There are tens of millions of local businesses in the United States alone…
Most of them need help from us marketers to get customers and grow revenue. And they’re willing to pay a pretty penny.
This is where you could come in and help businesses increase their authority with the help of Borrowify.
...and charge a monthly or one time fee.

BorrowifyFunnelBuilder - Lifetime FunnelBuilder To Create Unlimited Websites/Landing Pages In Any Niche (WORTH $997)
No need to pay monthly fees for ClickFunnels And All These because you get a free funnel builder web-based app today.
It is loaded with 200+ niche templates and also has a built-in drag and drop editor, which will help you easily create any type of websites/landing pages in minutes without any web design skill.

100 Editable Logos
(WORTH $397)
With this, you just need to choose among the editable logos to complete your online presence, build your own brand which makes viewers remember who you are.
Best of all, you don’t need to have any graphic design experience to make your own logo that you can be proud of.
So, choose the one that looks good and leaves a good impression on your potential customers, that’s it

Leadpages Software
(WORTH $997)
It helps you create stunning landing pages, lead pages and opt-in forms. You can create a nice, attractive page, ready to collect leads , completely transforming it into a lead generating and list building facility.
Make every page your own by dropping new elements where you want them. Text, images, buttons, and even widgets such as countdown timers all snap into place with ease.
Q: Does it include any tutorial?
There will be step-by-step training tutorials in the member area.

FREE BONUS: Get BorrowifyMailer, BorrowifyLifeDrive, BorrowifyHosting, and BorrowifyFunnelBuilder At NO Cost When You Grab Borrowify Today...

Take A Look At The Consistent Profits
We’re Generating With Borrowify

Enter the URL/link of the site you want to edit. This can be anything you want, even the biggest sites on the internet.

You’ll get a link to the cloned version of the site.

You’ll be able to fully edit the site to your liking. Add optin forms, images, change text, collect payments, and so much more!

Use Borrowify’s 1-Click Content Syndication to post the edited website to the biggest social platforms all at once...

30 days money back guarantee
Grab Your Copy Of Borrowify Now!